Sermons from September 2017

4 Items

Sin & Satan Pt. 1


In this first message in a four part series, Pastor Scott delves into the challenging topics of Sin and Satan. In today’s message, Pastor Scott defines “sin” which will help to set the stage for the remainder of the series.  This message was delivered on September 24th, 2017.

Membership Has Its Benefits


Each year our church is required to hold a business meeting in which the state of the church and the highlights of the prior year are reported. While the report on the church and its membership is necessary, there are benefits that come with belonging to the community of Christ and even our church. In […]

Consequence of Not Moving


This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. Sir Isaac Newton said that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, while an object at rest tends to remain at rest. The same is true with our spiritual lives. In today’s message, Pastor Scott explores the consequences […]

Labor for Days


This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. As we celebrate Labor Day Weekend, Pastor Scott reflects upon God’s model for the workweek and how we, as believers, should approach work.  This message was delivered on September 3rd, 2017.