Sermons by Pastor Scott Shiroma

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Consequence of Not Moving


This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. Sir Isaac Newton said that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, while an object at rest tends to remain at rest. The same is true with our spiritual lives. In today’s message, Pastor Scott explores the consequences […]

Labor for Days


This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. As we celebrate Labor Day Weekend, Pastor Scott reflects upon God’s model for the workweek and how we, as believers, should approach work.  This message was delivered on September 3rd, 2017.



This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled Discipline, Pastor Scott teaches us how to apply discipline in the priorities we set, the sacrifices we are willing to make, and the attitude we choose to assume. This message was delivered on Sunday August 20th, […]

5 Disciplines That Changed My Life

No great athlete, artist or musician achieved notoriety without hard work and focus. Similarly, there are certain disciplines that, if put into effect, will help us to develop the spiritual lives we were intended to have. In this message entitled “5 Disciplines That Changed My Life”, Pastor Scott discusses five specific habits that helped him to […]

No One Gets Away With Injustice

This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. Every one of us is created with an internal sense of justice. When we are treated unjustly, we wonder how this can happen and what God is going to do about it and when. In this message entitled “No One Gets […]

Where Is God When I Need Him the Most

This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In this message entitled “Where Is God When I Need Him the Most”, Pastor Scott discusses what we should do and how we can best respond when we are going through a difficult time. This message was delivered on July […]

What’s God’s Plan for Me?

This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In this message entitled “What’s God’s Plan for Me”, Pastor Scott suggests five steps to discerning God’s plan for your life.  This message was delivered on June 25, 2017.

Time to Eat

This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In this message about Spiritual Food, entitled “Time to Eat”, Pastor Scott asks if we are eating to live or living to eat.  This message was delivered on June 11, 2017.

Honoring Our Teachers

In this message entitled “Honoring Our Teachers”, Pastor Scott Shiroma explains how important teachers are to our families and society, as well as a Biblical model for how we can pray for their specific needs. This message was delivered on May 7, 2017. Here now is Pastor Scott.