Sermons by Pastor Scott Shiroma

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The Book of Esther Part 3

Sermon-Notes-  This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “The Book of Esther Part 3”, Pastor Scott speaks on the book of Esther and giving our glory to God. This message was recorded on Sunday, October 9, 2016. Here now is Pastor Scott.

The Book of Esther Part 2

Sermon-Notes-The-Book-Of-Esther-Part-2– This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “The Book of Esther Part 2”, Pastor Scott speaks on the book of Esther and the importance of prayer, faith, and much more. This message was recorded on Sunday, October 2, 2016. Here now is Pastor Scott.

The Book of Esther Part 1


Sermon-Notes-The-Book-of-Esther-Part-1-  This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “The Book of Esther Part 1”, Pastor Scott speaks on the book of Esther and Gods plan, and the importance of our faith. This message was recorded on Sunday, September 25, 2016. Here now is Pastor […]

The Web of Satan


Sermon-Notes-The-Web-of-Satan- This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “The Web of Satan”, Pastor Scott speaks on Satans motives, and how you protect yourself from the sin. This message was recorded on Sunday, September 4, 2016. Here now is Pastor Scott.

The Value of Time

Sermon Notes – This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “The Value of Time” Pastor Scott encourages us to take full advantage of our brief lifetime to carry out the great commission. This message was recorded on Sunday August 28th, 2016.

Out of and Into Part 2

Sermon-Notes- This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “Out of…And Into”, Pastor Scott speaks on how God wants to bring us out from our sins and wrongfulness, and into a faithful and just life. This message was recorded on Sunday, August 21, 2016. Here […]

Out of…And Into

Sermon-Notes-Out-of-And-Into-   This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “Out of…And Into”, Pastor Scott speaks on how God wants to bring us out from our sins and wrongfulness, and into a faithful and just life. This message was recorded on Sunday, August 14, 2016. Here now […]

Protecting Your Marriage

Sermon-Notes-Protecting-Your-Marriage-  This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “Protecting Your Marriage”, Pastor Scott speaks Protecting your marriage through daily times with God. This message was recorded on Sunday, July 31, 2016.


Sermon-Notes-Concecration- This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “Consecration”, Pastor Scott speaks on the setting apart of people, things, times or places as sacred, for God to use. This message was recorded on Sunday, July 10, 2016.

Final Destination

Sermon-Notes-Final-Destination- This audio presentation is the teaching of Pastor Scott Shiroma of New Hope East Hawaii. In his message titled “Final Destination”, Pastor Scott speaks on why we should choose to make Jesus the Lord of our lives. This message was recorded on Sunday, June 26, 2016.